30 SE 26th Ave : Portland, OR 97214
503.310.9662 :
Work Experience:
Geodatabase Development Intern August 2005 - Febuary 2006
Environmental Services - City of Portland
Created a spatial database of Environmental Services properties incorporating existing database and hard copy data, visual survey information, photos, and digital documents. Developed a GIS interface to manage and distribution property data by selecting properties on a map.
Hydrology Technician/Crew Leader Field Seasons 2001-2005
Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program - US Bureau of Land Managment/Forest Service
2005 Supervised the four person Reconnaissance Field Crew traveling up to 2500 miles per eight day work period. Tasks included administration, travel logistics, field report verification, and personnel coordination for field crew operations throughout western Washington, Oregon, and Northern California.
2004 Refined and improved procedures for a two person Reconnaissance Field Crew including more detailed site logistics and establishing field contact with district personnel. Co-developed and implemented safety protocols for remote field crew check-ins which have become a core element in the overall safety strategy to manage risk to field personnel.
2003 Created and implemented Standard Operating Procedures for the new Reconnaissance Field Crew. Protocols include assessing suitability of scientific sampling locations, determining site feasibility based on safety and time constraints, and collecting information about site access and crew logistics to aid in planning and reduce costs of field crew operations.
2001-2002 Responsible for the collection of physical and biological habitat samples and the mapping of stream segments.
GIS Consultant January 2003
Reed College – Economics Department
Created a spatial database of properties sold in Multnomah County from 1997 to 2002. Assessed the proximity of these parcels to specific zoning types and created attributes defining each parcels proximity.
Teaching Assistant September 2002 – June 2003
Portland State University - Geography Department
Assisted with aspects of course development, instruction, and evaluation for an introductory cartography, GIS, and image analysis classes with up to 30 students.
GIS Research Assistant June 2001 – February 2002
Portland State University - Population Research Center
Created spatial references for 90,000 student records and summarized spatial and economic attributes to be used in trend analysis for enrollment projection with Portland Public Schools.
GIS Technician April -May 2001
Osmose Inc
Utilized GPS technology in a field setting to inventory utility infrastructure and record attribute information to create a geographic database.
Field Research in Bolivian Andes July 1999
Appalachian State University – Department of Geography
Used GPS technology to inventory rural municipal roads to improve of access to primary health care. Collected information about target areas for satellite imagery classification. Created core data layer for a case study in glacial recession in the Andes.
GIS Lab Technician January - May 1999
Appalachian State University – Department of Geography
Created base layer of Significant Natural Areas for the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program by digitizing hard copy spatial data and entering attribute information.
Professional River Guide Seasonally 1996 - 2001
Various Companies
Guided whitewater river trips of up to 75 clients on rivers ranging from beginner to advanced throughout the southeastern United States.
Portland State University Masters Degree in Geography, Spring 2006
Capinota Bolivia: Agricultural Change and the Neoliberal Development Model
Combined political and economic development theory with GIS and remote sensing in a study explaining changes in the physical landscape.
Managing Property Records Using Geographic Information Systems
Developed a spatial database with a GIS interface for storing, accessing, and editing property record information.
Course Work:
Appalachian State University Bachelors Degree in Geography, Fall 1999
Course Work:
Proficient in conversational Spanish
Logistics and Analysis
Field logistics, field crew management, spatial data collection using GPS and laser survey equipment, scientific and human sample techniques, spatial and statical data analysis,
Information Technology
Linux system administration, network administration, GIS application development, web application development
Python, Visual Basic for Applications, Visual Basic, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax